Beingful Leadership

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Chapter 3: The Higher Reality of Rituals

Chapter 6: Deepening the Experience

Chapter 1: Being in Business

Chapter 4: The Higher Reality of Business

Chapter 7: Anchoring in Suffering

Chapter 2: Being Connected

Chapter 5: Engaging with Experience

Chapter 8: Anchoring in Well-Being

Chapter 10: Leading as a Steward

Conclusion: The Real Business Freedom

Chapter 11: Leading as a Sage

Chapter 9: Leading by Inclusion

Two Birds in a Tree

Higher Reality of Business: A fresh perspective on business's intertwined fate with humanity and nature. Traditional leadership sees them as separate, resulting in recurring crises. In this remarkable book, Ram Nidumolu draws on ancient Indian wisdom from Upanishads through captivating parables. Introducing Being-centered leadership rooted in the fundamental reality uniting all. Guided by interconnectedness, leaders prioritize the greater good. Illustrated by pioneering CEOs and personal experiences, Nidumolu presents a four-stage roadmap for leaders to reunite business with the world, benefiting all.